Saturday, 13 June 2015

The Mind Body Connection to Great Sex

Naturally, there exists true, and deeper philosophy surrounding pleasurable sensation that brings out the genuine spirit that is mankind. In short, this natural phenomenon is nothing else but nirvana. In a traditional sense, such energy can only be released by a guru.

To achieve a state of nirvana, you ought to prepare your body, by undertaking physical exercises, combined with breathing exercises, visualization, and perfecting meditation. There are also times when the state of nirvana awakens naturally without any reason.

Interestingly enough, the whole mind and body connection leads to greater sexual encounters. Many men using this regard can maintain a hard erection. By getting yourself into a meditative state, by seating comfortably and performing breathing exercises that help make your mind.

Being in such a state, helps one develop focus on visualization and love feelings that you imagined could start radiating from your being. When you get into a meditative mode while making love, you sexual encounter changes for the better.

Meditation is a natural soft erection treatment that helps you sexual encounter become tantric. The encounter becomes pleasurable and more fun and fulfilling. At this point, the visualization isn’t as important as you deem it to be.

Meditation helps you acquire the ability to focus on the activity at hand. Meditation helps you utilize the feeling to feel love impulses, desire, and sexual energy. 

What Kind of Feeling Does Meditation Bring To Your Sexual Life?
To know the value of meditation in your sexual life, you must start imagining that the feeling of pleasure oozes from the spine base. It then engulfs your entire body washing your whole body with nothing else but the feeling of sensation.

Meditation is an act that will help you think of how much you love your partner and how much you desire them. As you make love, your focus is narrowed to the feelings the person creates, and they intensify.
Such feelings can strengthen your relationship in the long whole. Bringing about the intense desire, and love in the short-term that is not only pleasurable but thoroughly enjoyable.

Meditation helps us train our thoughts to control how we feel. Create ideas that will dictate and define out experiences. Such thoughts bring out strong thoughts and a deep love and passionate feelings. In general; mixing meditation and sexual activity is something that will help you become better in bed, try it!

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