Sunday, 7 June 2015

The impact of testosterone on male sexual activity

Testosterone is not just a “fuel” for male sexual desire and performance. But, low testosterone levels can reduce the ability to enjoy sex. Lack of sexual desire and erectile dysfunction are sexual problems that may arise as a result of low testosterone in the system. In this case, treatment is the only logical solution.

Testosterone and causes of decreased sexual drive
The mechanism by which low testosterone reduces sex drive has not yet been determined by scientists. It is quite common for the sex drive to decrease after men reach adolescence and their twenties, but there is a huge difference between men when it comes to this matter. What one man considers to be low libido is acceptable for other men. In addition, sex drive is prone to influence from different factors like sleep, stress and opportunities to have sex. Because of these three factors, defining a normal level of sex drive is an impossible task. That’s why, typically a man himself recognizes the lack of sexual desire as a problem, and most often when he compares his current state with the past. In other cases, sexual partners can also notice if this problems occurs.

The symptoms of low testosterone levels don’t always include the lack of sex drive. Some men have an unchanged sexual desire even with relatively low level of testosterone. It is good to mention that some men experience lack of sex drive even if testosterone levels are normal. This means that low testosterone is only one of the possible causes of low libido. However, if the reduction of the level of this hormone continues over a long period of time, every man will experience lack of sexual desire.

According to one recent study in Sydney Australia, about 15% of men experience reduced sex drive. About 30% of men with low testosterone levels had low libido. These men that were part of this study were relatively young (between 25 and 47 years). The symptoms were worse in older men.

Low testosterone is only one of the possible causes of low libido. Other problems, such as lack of sleep, stress, depression, anxiety and chronic health problems may also contribute to this situation.

Low testosterone and erectile dysfunction
Surprisingly, low testosterone leads to erectile dysfunction only in rare cases. Low testosterone itself, without any other health issues causes erectile dysfunction in a very small number of cases. Erectile dysfunctions are often caused by atherosclerosis – a disease that affects the muscle arteries. If damages, the small blood vessels that supply the penis with blood can no longer expand and in this way they bring the necessary amount of blood for reaching and maintain an erection. In addition, diabetes, high blood pressure and high levels of bad cholesterol belong to the group of main causes of atherosclerosis and erectile dysfunction.

Studies have shown that 30% of men with low testosterone have certain problems with erectile dysfunction. Experts believe that men who are suffering from erectile dysfunctions caused by other reasons experience greater problems because of the low level of testosterone. Low testosterone therapy has proven to be helpful in these cases. 

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