Saturday 6 June 2015

How does sex affect the brain?

There are many articles and books dedicated to the positive influence of sex and there are also many researches that can confirm that. However, in the recent period many scientists in Sydney Australia are focused on researching the effects of sex on our brain to help better sexual health.

Analysis of the influence of sex on the brain suggests many interesting common points, but, of course, such research is not easy to implement in practice. Here’s what scientist have determined so far.

Sex is good for the mood
The satisfaction that we experience thanks to the sexual intercourse activates dopamine which is also activated when we consume alcohol and drugs. According to a recent study, cocaine consumption and sex trigger the same center in the brain. It is also interesting to point out that nicotine, caffeine and chocolate also stimulate the same center in the brain.

Sex as a natural antidepressant
A study that took place 10 years ago which was conducted on more than 300 women has shown that women who had sex without a condom had symptoms of depression in a smaller percentage compared to those who had sex with a condom. The research has shown that sperm is composed of various hormones such as prostaglandins and estrogen which have antidepressant properties. The researchers have mentioned that the status between the partners also plays a significant role in this effect. This is really good news for all those who have long and stable relationships.

Sex relieves pain
Don’t skip sex if you have a headache. Studies show that making love can alleviate the symptoms of headache. According to some statistics about 30% of people who had headaches and about 60% of people who had migraines felt significantly better after having sex. Women who have experienced intense G-spot stimulation felt even better.

Sex can make you calmer
A study conducted on rats showed that those that mated were less stressed and this is certainly something that also applies for humans. Some studies have shown that people who have regular sex life have increased self-confidence and appear calmer when it comes to public appearances.

Sex stimulates memory
Another study conducted on rats (about 5 years ago) has shown that rats who were denied sex compared to those who had not been denied sex had fewer neurons in the brain area associated with memory. Similar research was conducted on mice. We will have to wait for a study that includes humans, but many scientists believe that the results will be the same.

Sex helps with insomnia
This is true at least when it comes to men. Some studies have shown that men after sex fall asleep much quicker. Scientists have found the reason for this interesting appearance. The part of the brain known as the prefrontal cortex slows after ejaculation. This appearance, together with the release of higher levels of serotonin and oxytocin can explain the phenomenon of turning on your own side and falling asleep after sex.

We hope that these facts will encourage you to have more sex with your partner.

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