Tuesday, 7 July 2015

6 Foods For Better Sexual Health

While there is a lot of talk about foods that are aphrodisiacs that supposedly boost libido and make sex better, recent studies on food and sex has revealed that there are a good number of foods that can improve sex drive and improve sexual experiences. By incorporating these foods into your daily diet or special romantic meals, you can have better sexual health.


Due to their shape, the Aztecs associated these fruits with the testes. However, recent scientific research has revealed a deeper association between avocados and improved sexual health. Avocados contain high levels of unsaturated fats, which make them great for your heart and arteries. They have been associated with reducing heart disease, which can contribute to erectile dysfunction in men. When the blood is flowing throughout the whole body better, the sex is better.


This is another food that has long been associated with sexual health as a way to increase passion, stimulate libido, and boost fertility. Almonds are not only packed full of nutrients that help promote overall health, but they also have some trace minerals that have been proven to have an impact on sexual health and fertility, including zinc, vitamin E, and selenium. Although science hasn’t figured out how, there has been a clear connection between zinc and sexual desire.


One of the biggest parts of strawberries that increases sexual desire is their bright red color. In fact, a recent study found that men rated women higher in terms of sexiness while they were wearing the color red. They also contain high levels of folic acid which help prevent birth defects in women, and have recently been connected to higher sperm counts in men. When covered in chocolate, their effectiveness multiplies as chocolate is filled with methylxanthines, a chemical that boosts libido in men and women.


Possibly one of the most well-known aphrodisiacs is oysters. There is truth behind this tradition as oysters contain high levels of zinc which does give the libido a big boost. Outside of oysters, however, there are a number of other seafoods to choose from that can help boost sexual health. Wild salmon, mackerel, herring, and sardines all contain high levels of essential omega-3 fatty acids that promote heart health and improve blood flow throughout the body.


This dark leafy vegetable has been known for its ability to increase sexual arousal since the first century. With modern technology, science has been able to discover what makes this plant so great for sexual health. Not only does arugula have trace minerals that improve sexual health, but it is also packed full of powerful antioxidants that help the body remove harmful toxins in the body. Many of the toxins that the antioxidants in arugula are those that have a negative impact on libido which means that including this vegetable in your next romantic dinner can boost libido by driving out toxins.

Citrus Fruits

There are a number of different citrus fruits to choose from, all of which are rich in vitamin C, folic acid, and antioxidants. Antioxidants remove toxins from the body, folic acid improves reproductive health, and vitamin C helps boost the immune system which helps the whole body stay healthier. An easy way to incorporate citrus fruits in romantic meals is to add mandarin oranges or pink grapefruit into salads, or to use lime or lemon in dressings.

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