Sunday, 2 August 2015

Can pornography improve sexual relationship?

Pornography is present in almost every relationship and yet it affects men and women in different ways. Women usually start feeling less attractive in case their partners start watching pornography.

This is especially true in cases when men start talking about the body of women from pornographic movies. This is the time when their partners start questioning their own appearance. However, only a small number of women are aware of the fact that beauty comes in third place at least for men.

There are many women who are not pleased with the fact that their partners are watching adult movies and this practice sometimes presents such a problem that you simply just want to get out of the relationship. If a woman criticizes her partner about watching this type of movies, their partner will probably say that they are not confident which will only worsen the situation.  

Men are watching hours of pornography and that’s why women ask themselves whether they should be worried, should they give an ultimatum, should they leave their partner and whether there is a solution for this problem in their relationship. Sex is an indescribable satisfaction for most men. So, they enjoy sex with women, but when their partners are a little bit annoying and tense they tend to masturbate in order to satisfy themselves in another way and that’s quite natural.

Male fantasies like giving oral pleasure at the office, in the middle of the night while sleeping, quickie and other fantasies cannot be practiced every minute of the day when they want. These fantasies are replaced and complemented by watching adult movies.

If a woman wants more sexual intimacy with her man then she should share her thoughts with her partner and they will gladly accept that. However, if she wants less sexual activity, she should not complain about watching pornography because even if they don’t watch such movies, men still tend to masturbate.

If there is not enough sexual intercourse in your relationship and if you if you ignore your man’s needs, then you should worry about pornography and the reasons why he watches these videos. However, if your sexual relationship is good, then there is no reason to worry and you should let your man watch porn.

Real woman is better than any woman in pornographic movies because she can provide a real touch and her man can fully enjoy better sexual life and not just watch. Every woman is a queen in her bed and as long as she can satisfy her man, she cannot be replaced by adult movies.

Besides that, even if you have sex a few times a day, your man will still need to watch pornographic movies. Men simply love to watch this sort of movies, it will help stimulate sexual desire.

Of course, there are men who do not watch pornography and who believe that their only sexual fantasy should be related to their woman, but these men are very rare and this doesn’t mean that they are right. Every individual has the right to choose and viewing adult movies is definitely not cheating as long as the woman is the center of man’s real sex life. 

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